A Mobility Device beyond a wheelchair or walker.
Confidently rise from sitting to standing. Walk without fear of falling
- Customized to your height and weight - a perfect fit now and later
- Full bodyweight lift assist - from sitting to standing anytime
- Full centered weight support - walk or coast without fear of falling
- You are trained by our caring staff - you'll be an expert in no time
- Try the Zeen at home for 14 days to ensure you love it - return if you don't (offered for a limited time only)
- We are eager to support your satisfaction - call us anytime we can help
- Show off your hands-free mobility freedom - family and friends will be amazed
- Rest or move when you want - go farther, stay longer, move faster
- Take it on the road - lightweight and folding, it fits in any car and is ready for new adventures

Adds another level of comfort to the Zeen experience. The Zeen seat cushion fits around the existing seat and cinches tight.

A fabric accessory dedicated to protecting your car and the Zeen while making the car loading experience twice as easy.

If your idea of the outdoors includes farmers markets and shopping trips, check out these cup holders to make the most of your outings.

The Zeen Travel Cover is a fabric shell to keep the Zeen protected in transit. This cover features reinforced lifting points and still allows the Zeen to travel on four castering wheels.
The best way to know if the Zeen is right for you is to try one out.
In-person Zeen demos are available at our factory in West Chester, PA (by appointment only), or check our events calendar to catch us on the road!