Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it called Zeen?

‘Zeen’ is an homage to ‘Draisine’ — the proto-bicycle invented by Baron von Drais in 1816. Draisines had a saddle and handlebars, but no pedals. Riders coasted along by striding on the ground, and by all accounts the experience was exhilarating. Our Zeen clearly needed more than two wheels (see the next Q!), and the pair at the rear became our patented ‘dual-state’ casters for controlled four-wheel steering.​

Zeening is likewise exhilarating!

How does ‘Zeening’ compare as personal transportation vs ambulating with a walker or hand-rolling a wheelchair?

Zeening is easier, faster, and arguably more secure than 'walker-ing', and can keep up with an energetic wheel-chair user, plus it's less tiring than either, and way more social, since encounters along the way are at eye height, and with nothing mechanical in between you and your friends.

Who needs Zeen and why?

With a Zeen one can confidently walk and coast, even if challenged by age, injury or disease. The Zeen is for people at risk of falling, or those who walk perfectly well but get tired.

It’s for those who use walkers and just plain hate the things.

It’s for wheelchair users who gave up walking prematurely because of fatigue or risk.

It’s for those determined to stay upright and put off that one-way descent to non-ambulation.​

With our proprietary lifting technology, the Zeen ‘floats’ any desired percentage of your weight, so it’s hugely helpful for those who have difficulty getting up on their feet!

What benefits do people most enjoy when Zeening?

Our initial Zeen trials indicate that people immediately love feeling of being more secure.

They like that the Zeen is both their mode of travel and their comfy chair, with no dangerous transitions.

They love the relative rapidity and ease of coasting.

They cherish the face-to-face quality of human interactions.

They love being able to pop up and down from a seated position with no strain.

And they particularly like not having to set aside and keep track of a walker or wheelchair while dining.

Those initial few who had had access to a Zeen at home report happily cooking, working, cleaning, doing the wash, reaching into closets and cabinets, etc. with no contraption in the way!

“There’s nothing ahead of you — nothing ‘in your space’ — and what’s behind is invisible… follows you like a ghost!”​One old gentleman even mentioned the ease of putting on his pants!

Are there any hazards to watch out for when Zeening?

Yes. Certainly. As with any human activity, excess exuberance or carelessness can be dangerous. One would have to work much harder to tip over a Zeen than a walker or wheelchair, but a certain amount of caution is prudent.

When stepping on or off a curb, slightly lower your saddle height. This will give some space between the saddle and your body. Then negotiate the curb in a standing position, stepping up or down while appropriately lifting up or lowering the front of the Zeen. The rear wheels will simply follow as they get to the curb.

When approaching ramps, hills and curbs, lower the saddle height; and keep both hands on the brake levers when coasting! Don't coast downhill at high speed! If you encounter a slope, up, down or sideways, always keep at least one foot on the ground.

How does the Zeen work? What are its functions and controls?

‘The Zeen is essentially a big comfortable saddle surrounded by four agile wheels. Once you pre-set your inseam length and desired amount of lift, the saddle will effortlessly raise you up to standing, walking and ‘barstool’ position, and gently lower to become a comfortable chair.​

Zeens have two controls only — Seat-Height Lock and Brakes.​

You can stand, or walk with all your weight on the ground, and the loosely fastened lap-belt and saddle-prow will still positively keep you safe.​

Leaning back slightly and edging onto the wide part of the saddle allows you to ‘stride’ — to scoot easily over the ground and coast. Coasting covers a lot of ground and is surprisingly fun.​

Your stride directs the Zeen where you want to go and, with no conscious effort, the chassis swivels and follows!​

When coasting, one can also steer by applying either the left or right brake to influence your direction, and the brakes bring you easily to a stop.

What are the physical, psychological and social advantages of using Zeen vs walkers and wheelchairs?

Unlike walkers and wheelchairs, Zeens do not stigmatize the rider. They were designed to resemble athletic equipment and to have minimal device between the rider and the world. The Zeen is both active furniture and a mode of transport. Compared to walkers, Zeens are safe, comfortable, and fast, and do not have to be set out of the way when you arrive at the dinner table. (Nor do they have to be retrieved in order to get back to the buffet for dessert!).

For those who gave up walkers because of falls or fatigue, Zeen offers a safer and more pleasant extension of walking ability and overall health, since remaining upright is strikingly beneficial for your cardiac, circulatory, muscular, digestive, and psychological fitness!

Not to mention the social benefits of standing among one’s peers vs looking up from seated limbo. (see ‘Barstool Mode’ below!)

Describe the various ways Zeen may be important for rehab – and who may benefit.

Rehab protocols include those involving mobility and those related to other aspects of life. Many rehabilitation accessories and protocols are adaptable to the inherently safe and dramatically mobile Zeen platform, so patients can be more independent, and therapists are freed up to attend to other tasks.

Can Zeen go up or down steps?

At this time, it's only safe to do a single step of six inches or less with the Zeen - and this is dependent on individual strength.

How do you transition on and off your Zeen from low beds, chairs, toilets, etc.?

The Zeen is typically mounted standing, by holding the handlebars and backing onto the saddle. Transfer techniques to and from beds, toilets, and chairs vary according to user capability, and can often be done with the Zeen without the help of caregivers.

With brakes engaged, one may transfer solo between bed or toilet in one of two ways: either by sliding laterally with the Zeen in seated position; or by bracing your forearms on the armrests to help you up. Once standing, you can turn and back onto the saddle as usual.

Can a Zeen be used outdoors? What about hills, curbs, rough ground, rain, snow, ice, high wind, etc.?

See 'hazards' above for tips on hills and curbs. Lightweight, folding Zeen models with pneumatic tires can definitely be of use outdoors, even on gentle hills, if you have the core strength to propel them up over rough ground.

Even if unsteady at ambulating, such as from disease or stroke, the Zeen can still help protect you from falling unless you undertake a hill that's too steep for braking, or a side slope that's too extreme for the walking ability you retain. (Common sense and your accumulating Zeen experience will be your reliable guide.)

Rain is no particular obstacle if the ground is smooth since Lightweight Zeens are waterproof, and with a seatbelt it's easy enough to devote one hand to your umbrella.

We would definitely not recommend riding a Zeen in snow, ice or high wind.

How maneuverable is a Zeen and how much space does it take up in your home?

Phenomenally maneuverable. Zeens sport patented 'Dual-State Casters' for perfect forward tracking, uncanny four-wheel steering and easy lateral and rearward motion.

A Zeen occupies slightly more floor-space than a rollator or wheelchair — and can be instantly folded to take up as little as 11” of space next to a wall.

Can Zeen be stowed in a car?

The Zeen folds laterally with one upward pull to be 33" long x 39" tall x 11" wide folded. Our ‘Car-Loader’ accessory clips to rear seat-backs or headrests and requires half the effort of simply lifting your Zeen into a cargo area or trunk.

What is 'Barstool Mode' and why do people love it?

‘Barstool Mode’ is at the appealing heart of Zeening. It’s when you come to a standing stop in the midst of a social gathering, put your feet on the footrests, shift back on the saddle and join the crowd!

Instead of being isolated on a wheelchair with your head at waist-height, you are up at your natural standing eye-level with both hands free.

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